Aly Uweso Abubakar Salim
A Computer Scientist with 15+ years experience of proven track record of making outcome-based decision that delivers business process improvement & standardization. Passionate about innovation in relation to technological advancement catered towards making an impact to the society on a global scale level. Geographic experience coverage Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa & Middle East & Africa.
Skills: Windows NT, XP & Small Business Server 2003 Server Systems, Microsoft SQL Server 2000, Linux UBUNTU & Solid Networking Set-up & Maintenance Skills (LAN/WAN topologies) with TCP/IP Experience, Programming Java, Visual Basic 6 & .net, PL SQL, Python, Javascript, CSS & Html.
00:00 - 5.30 PM Coding
15th to 17th Nov BushHack Hackathon
Developing MVPs