
David Ogiga

Board Member Afrilabs
Passion about youth employment, entrepreneurship and technology. Co-founder Sote Hub, nurturing young talents in Kenya, incubation of early stage startups & SMEs and scaling ideas around SDGs, Climate Change and Agriculture, passionate about women in Tech, rural youth and economies. Leading Sote Hub team of 30+ in strategy development, work plans, execution of projects and programs and continuous appraisal of the same. We have incubated 800+ start-ups in Blue Economy, Agriculture, Climate Innovations and Digitisation. Sote Hub uniquely develops entrepreneurship pipeline from school to workplace. Worked with over 250 high schools and impacted over 15,000 students in our projects in rural Kenya. Ecosystem Roles: Founding Chair, Association of Countrywide Innovation Hubs where I helped shape the young organisation, laying the foundation for the vision and growth to today a major umbrella body of 65 hubs in Kenya. Providing leadership in the formulation of Kenya’s Start-up Bill working in coalition with Association of Start-ups and Ecosystem Support Enablers in Kenya and Kenya Innovation Agency, that birthed Kenya Start-up Bill which is aiming to unlock opportunities for young entrepreneurs to grow their ventures, create employment and contribute to socio economic development of Kenya. Africa can feed herself and be prosperous. We need to invest more in Agriculture, Manufacturing & Ease of doing business. I can be contacted for consulting jobs.  Among organizations is Ten Senses & Grow Fairly in a 4M Euro projects developing agro value chains for small holder farmers, export business & food security. Countries of my projects include Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Ethiopia and Tanzania.  I consulted for Oxfam to identify best practices on digitizing education in South Sudan and countries with refugee challenges.  A former Programs Officer International Fund for Animals (IFAW), I occasionally write blogs, wildlife & nature enthusiasts especially birdwatching, and soccer fan. I get invited for speaking roles and have delivered lectures in 15 universities in Slovakia, Poland, Cyprus & Germany. Venture Capital | Africa | Startups | Program Development | Strategic Thinking| Business Insights| Civic engagement | Facilitation | Jobs | Leadership | Youth Employment | WomeninTech |Impacts |Social Entrepreneurship
6.30 - 7.30 PM Pitching

15th to 17th Nov BushHack Hackathon


Pitching MVPs

01.30 - 02.30 PM Pitching

November 15-17, 2024 Artisans Hackathon

